The Startup Mentor - PDF
Having brilliant mentors is essential to anyone who wants to start a company. We need mentors to share their experience, so that we can learn from what they did right while avoiding what they did wrong. And we need mentors to share their connections, so that we can meet people who will help us grow.
The problem is no one tells us where to find mentors, or what to ask them. No one tells us how to spot the right mentor from the wrong mentor. No one tells us when we should take their advice, when we should stick with our intuition, and so much more.
As a startup founder, being a great mentee, just like being a great leader, is a skill that takes effort and practice. In this action-oriented book, Donohue compiles the wisdom of some of the smartest startup leaders in the world on how great mentors can help you launch your company while building relationships that will help you grow personally and professionally.
A PDF copy of The Startup Mentor